Windows 10 - Computer blue screens about a minute after being in sleep mode

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Windows 10 - Computer blue screens about a minute after being in sleep mode

Bugcheck 0x9f (0x3,,,)

Hi. . .

The scanning and updating drivers in Device Manager really does not work properly for 3rd party drivers. If you think about it, how would Device Manager (Windows) know exactly where to go to obtain an updated 3rd party driver -- like your HP drivers for example? Why did not Device Manager pick those up?

You've got to update that xbox driver.

4 of the 5 dumps processed mentioned this Virtual USB Host Controller driver but did not tell me how or if it is involved in the BSODs -
nvvhci.sys   Thu Aug 16 13:01:22 2018 (5B75D812)
It should be updated but the update comes from Windows Update, so there is nothing for you to do except to make sure that ALL Windows Updates (both Important and Optional) are installed. It is possible that the xbox driver (xusb22.sys) is hiding under nvvhci.sys - as Microsoft drivers very rarely ever cause BSODs.

I also processed all 5 dumps and all blamed the Xbox driver as the primary cause of the BSODs.

Look for xusb22.sys (xbox driver) in the following summary of your dumps - (it is listed in every dump) -
BugCheck 9F, {3, ffffb40dc7b4cc70, fffffc8b8b45f7b0, ffffb40dcd36d9a0}
Probably caused by : xusb22.sys ( xusb22!XenonBusInformation::OnD0Entry+3f )
BugCheck 9F, {3, ffffab87b97c59f0, fffff8047aa0b7b0, ffffab87b97ca9e0}
Probably caused by : xusb22.sys
BugCheck 9F, {3, ffffbb892f06ecb0, ffffba0798a7f7b0, ffffbb892de84be0}
Probably caused by : xusb22.sys ( xusb22!XenonBusInformation::OnD0Entry+3f )
BugCheck 9F, {3, ffffc48523cd7cd0, fffff8034b80b7b0, ffffc48526deb330}
Probably caused by : xusb22.sys ( xusb22!XenonBusInformation::OnD0Entry+3f )
BugCheck 9F, {3, ffffa1077dc5ca10, fffffd8bb2e5f7b0, ffffa1078cac7850}
Probably caused by : xusb22.sys ( xusb22!XenonBusInformation::OnD0Entry+3f )
I don't know what else to tell you about your BSODs except that the current xbox driver will likely continue the BSOD epidemic.

Regards. . .


p.s. A more comprehensive summary of your dumps - (look for nvvhci.sys in the summaries - mentioned in the dumps as I said earlier -
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\110419-8250-01.dmp]
Built by: 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
Debug session time: Mon Nov  4 16:44:48.512 2019 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:10:11.266
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for nvvhci.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for nvvhci.sys
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by : xusb22.sys ( xusb22!XenonBusInformation::OnD0Entry+3f )
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x9F_3_xusb22!XenonBusInformation::OnD0Entry
Bugcheck code 0000009F
Arguments 00000000`00000003 ffffb40d`c7b4cc70 fffffc8b`8b45f7b0 ffffb40d`cd36d9a0
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\110419-8406-01.dmp]
Built by: 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
Debug session time: Mon Nov  4 16:34:11.425 2019 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:09:08.179
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by : xusb22.sys
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x9F_3_IMAGE_xusb22.sys
Bugcheck code 0000009F
Arguments 00000000`00000003 ffffab87`b97c59f0 fffff804`7aa0b7b0 ffffab87`b97ca9e0
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\110419-8906-01.dmp]
Built by: 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
Debug session time: Mon Nov  4 16:24:41.306 2019 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:03:03.060
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for nvvhci.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for nvvhci.sys
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by : xusb22.sys ( xusb22!XenonBusInformation::OnD0Entry+3f )
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x9F_3_xusb22!XenonBusInformation::OnD0Entry
Bugcheck code 0000009F
Arguments 00000000`00000003 ffffbb89`2f06ecb0 ffffba07`98a7f7b0 ffffbb89`2de84be0
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\110519-8625-01.dmp]
Built by: 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
Debug session time: Tue Nov  5 00:15:54.481 2019 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:13:09.235
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for nvvhci.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for nvvhci.sys
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by : xusb22.sys ( xusb22!XenonBusInformation::OnD0Entry+3f )
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x9F_3_xusb22!XenonBusInformation::OnD0Entry
Bugcheck code 0000009F
Arguments 00000000`00000003 ffffc485`23cd7cd0 fffff803`4b80b7b0 ffffc485`26deb330
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\110419-10734-01.dmp]
Built by: 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
Debug session time: Mon Nov  4 15:41:49.654 2019 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 16:50:25.408
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for nvvhci.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for nvvhci.sys
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by : xusb22.sys ( xusb22!XenonBusInformation::OnD0Entry+3f )
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x9F_3_xusb22!XenonBusInformation::OnD0Entry
Bugcheck code 0000009F
Arguments 00000000`00000003 ffffa107`7dc5ca10 fffffd8b`b2e5f7b0 ffffa107`8cac7850
EDIT: I am not a hardware expert and really don't know what to make of the screen/video issue at this time.

After the BSOD epidemic is over, you can post in our Hardware forum for help with that issue as I do not believe that the BSODs are responsible for the image contained on your screen in the screenshot.




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